Shiplake and the banks of the Thames

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This is a simple round trip, initially along quiet roads and then along part of the banks of the Thames that are rarely visited, except by locals. We start in Shiplake Cross, pass through Lower Shiplake, along the river and back to the start.
Half the riverside section could be omitted, to make a much shorter walk (saving about a mile), whilst retaining much of the charm and interest. The path is clear and easy to follow: there are no stiles, some steps, but quite a lot of gates (although most could be circumvented): there is one short uphill stretch from the river back to the end of the walk.

England - South England - Berkshire - River Walk


Church, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, River
2/2/2020 - Neil Packham

This packs a lot of interest into a short route, enough to feel like you’ve had a 'proper walk' anyway. Riverside paths muddy as expected in January, but not problematic. More of an issue were the very waterlogged field paths at WM3 & 4; wellies recommended during a wet winter.

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Distance away
30.5 Miles