South Thoresby - Rigsby - Ailby Circular

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This walk explores a little-visited but beautiful section of the eastern edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. It was conceived as a relatively dry walk at a time when the terrible weather of 2012 had turned many favourite walks into quagmires or lakes.

It starts and finishes in the tiny village of South Thoresby. Once a large, thriving village centred around chalk quarrying, it is now shrinking and like many similar small villages, without its pub. The walk heads south from the village along a quiet elevated lane with superb views to the east over the coastal plain and out to the resorts of Ingoldmells and Skegness, with the huge off-shore wind farms beyond. It passes the tiny, pretty hamlet of Haugh (pronounced 'hoff') and then, just before the hamlet of Rigsby, turns east, down a rough farm track and off the Wolds to another tiny hamlet, Ailby. The roadside verges here are nature reserves, last remnants of a rare flora, once common in the area before modern farming methods took hold.

On the way down it passes Ailby Wood, location of a local historical building conservator, specialising in Lincolnshire 'Mud and Stud' building restoration. At Ailby is a small garden centre with a coffee machine and snacks for sale. Do not panic, sanity has not left you, a pair of emus really does live in the field opposite.

From Ailby you return along a quiet lane to South Thoresby. This section is a haven for small birds, particularly in winter. Buzzards are common and frequent the trees next to the T-junction at Waymark 5. There is a chance to detour into Aby to visit The Railway Tavern from Waymark 6.

England - East England - Lincolnshire - Lincolnshire Wolds


Birds, Butterflies, Gift Shop, Great Views, Nature Trail, Pub, Public Transport, Wildlife, Woodland