Standon - Plashes Farm - Wellpond Green - Standon

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Standon is a large village straddling the River Rib south of the A120. This walk starts and ends here at the Standon Puddingstone, a conglomerate of glacial origins and of, apparently, Goddess proportions. The road quickly reaches a ford, bypassed by a footbridge, where we turn off and follow the Rib to the imposing Standon Lordship, now privately owned. The walk heads up out of the valley to Plashes Wood and farm, in a picturesque setting, with extensive views back across the river valley. These fields, sadly, see the regular activities of hare coursing. Walkers should be cautious about confronting anyone with greyhounds, as the practice is illegal and participants are not likely to be very friendly. The route then recrosses the Rib and heads across arable land towards Wellpond Green and some elegant modern houses. A short, dank section of byway is followed here, before open country is again reached on the return to Standon.

England - Central England - Hertfordshire - Countryside

6/29/2020 - David McPhail

This was a fab walk in truly beautiful countryside, and there are even occasional benches where one can stop for one's packed lunch. Standon itself has two pubs, so that works well for a circular walk.....thanks for this one !!

6/27/2016 - Kevin Hilton

Many thanks to Malcolm for this fine Hertfordshire ramble. We did this walk on a bright, breezy day in June and thoroughly enjoyed it. Clear directions and well maintained signage made it impossible to get lost. Plus the Star in Standon is a great place for a post-walk pint (open all day Sunday). Highly recommended.

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