Stockbridge - Houghton - Broughton - Stockbridge

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Starting from The Lions' Den National Trust car park just outside Stockbridge, the route follows the tree-lined Test Way southwards for two miles. You then turn west along the Clarendon Way to cross the Test and several of its tributaries in some of the finest fishing territory in the country. Passing the outskirts of Houghton, continue westwards towards Broughton before heading north, with fine views across open countryside and farmland.

Then it is north-east and finally eastwards, with a short section of a few hundred yards alongside the busy A36 to be negotiated before you regain a quieter track taking you back towards Stockbridge. Passing through Stockbridge itself you may be tempted to linger longer than you intended, as there are many fine pubs, restaurants, tea rooms and shops, including a branch of Orvis for outdoor clothing and John Robinson's, a traditional quality butcher. Eventually you reach the end of the High Street, from which it is a short walk back to the car park where you started.

England - South England - Hampshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
10/31/2017 - John Branscombe

Did this walk on 30/10/2017. Very enjoyable in autumn sunshine. Excellent directions. Thank you. John Bee

8/13/2011 - Lyn Lovell

Beautiful walk with amazing views. Very easy to follow. Dogs will have a wonderful time. At the end of the walk Stockbridge offers some great tea shops.

10/4/2009 - Helena Pugsley

Nice walk, very simple to follow. I think the first part of the walk would be slightly nicer if you head first down to and along the river rather than immediately left along the path. Took us more like 3 hours even at a good pace. More on my blog:

2/26/2009 - Walkingworld Administrator

Grid refs are fixed now, thank you!


Excellent walk but be aware that, apart from waypoint 1, the grid refs are wrong at the remaining waypoints.

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