Swimbridge - Kerscott - Dennington Barton - Swimbridge

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Swimbridge - Kerscott - Dennington Cottages - Dennington Barton - Swimbridge

Swimbridge is a very pretty village and quite unspoilt. The walk starts with a very steep climb out of the village, but at the top the views are most rewarding. It is then an easy walk through quiet countryside. There is an interesting church in Swimbridge, where the Reverend Jack Russell is buried and the pub is also named after him. The walk passes the house in which he lived and bred the famous terrier.

Note that there are quite a few stiles on the walk, making it potentially difficult for larger dogs.

England - South West England - Devon - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, River, Wildlife, Woodland
10/16/2017 - Barry Hood

A pleasant walk although rather a lot of lanes and stiles. OS Maps says the total height gain is 310 metres.

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Distance away
24.3 Miles