The Chess Valley Walk - Rickmansworth to Chesham

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The Chess Valley Walk is a 10 mile linear walk through the Chilterns following the River Chess from Rickmansworth to Chesham. The Chess Valley has some of the most attractive countryside in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is famous for its wildlife. Depending on the time of year, the visitor may expect to see swans, herons, little egrets, kingfishers, red kites, buzzards, mallards, stonechats, sandpipers etc. Over the last few years there have been sightings of osprey and water rail. The River Chess is a chalk stream - a rare habitat found only in southern England, northern France and New Zealand. The Chess has some of the purest water of any such streams as it emanates from the many groundwater springs along the chalk outcrop.

England - Central England - Buckinghamshire - River Walk


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Lake/Loch, Moor, Museum, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Waterfall, Wildlife, Woodland

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