The Edges from The Robin Hood Pub

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The Robin Hood pub - Birchen Edge - White Edge - The Grouse Inn - Froggatt Edge - Curbar Edge - Baslow Edge - Gardom's Edge

Apart from a short, steep ascent and a matching descent later on, this walk should give the average walker no trouble at all. The walk starts along Birchen Edge, passing the Neslon Monument and the Three Ships (three large rocks named after HMS Victory, HMS Defiant and HMS Sovereign) and then crosses open moorland to White Edge. The views from White Edge (the highest point of the walk) are breathtaking and stretch as far as Mam Tor, Lose Hill and Win Hill. The return is via Froggatt, Curbar and Baslow Edges, with excellent views over the Derwent Valley and finishes with a climb up to Gardom's Edge.

England - Central England - Derbyshire - Peak District


Ancient Monument, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub
12/26/2019 - Paul Hand

Did this walk on Christmas Day 2019, really nice day and the walk was interesting and varied. Unfortunately due to the amount of rain we have been having lately, a lot of the paths were very muddy. The Grouse Inn was open and extremely busy as you would expect, but a reasonable atmosphere all the same. A very pleasant walk to blow the cobwebs away without being too strenuous.

9/13/2014 - Norman Brannick

Completed this walk 8th Sept. 2014. Excellent walk along the edges with magnificent views. I was lucky enough to see the Red Deer grazing on Big Moor whilst walking along White Edge. I extended the walk by not turning right at WM 8, continuing along the path leading to the A625, crossing over the T junction and passing through a gate on the opposite side, following the path down to Longshaw Lodge. The lodge was used as a auxiliary hospital during the great war of 1914-18, really nice tea room and kitchen garden. Thanks to Sam Roebuck for this fabulous walk..

5/24/2014 - Ian Cutler

Did this walk last Saturday 17/05/2014 one of the best in the area, great views all round all of the time, Grouse Inn not so good anymore, expensive drinks, many people mentioned this, £3.85 for 1/2 bitter and small Tonic water, food equally expensive and all frozen not fresh. Waypoint 14 has issues, steep, could be dangerous to some, we went on a little further and took path adjacent to wall. We live in this area and it's increasingly more difficult to find new walks which could equal this one!

11/1/2013 - Kevin Mulligan

Walked this route last Wednesday 30/10/13. Some great views to be had and the step-by-step guide was spot on. Waypoint 14 (over the hill descent) was overgrown with bracken at the time I walked this but as mentioned by previous walkers, this can be easily overcome by walking to the right and picking up the stone wall lower down to the left. Interesting to see the Nelson & Wellington memorial stones and I must recommend The Grouse Inn for 'halfway-around' pint and light-bite.. great beer and food at very reasonable prices.

8/1/2012 - Anne Aylwin

My husband and I did this walk last Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed it. We attempted to go 'over the edge' at waypoint 14, but it was too steep for my dodgy knees to contend with, so opted to take the suggested path a little further on, on the left, which follows the line of the stone wall - much easier and to be recommended! On section 7 of the walk we met a large herd of highland cattle who had decided to chill out on the path! Luckily they we the most docile cattle we've ever encountered,so no problem to pass. Just after that the path becomes less well defined and the area was quite boggy. We parked at Curbar Gap (£4 for the day, or free if you are a NT or RSPB member)which meant an easy start and finish. There was also (and usually is) an ice cream van at Curbar Gap car park . . . a welcome treat at the end of the walk!

3/16/2012 - Peter Harper

Walked today. I'd echo what others have said - a great walk, giving superb views with no real difficulty either in navigation or terrain. I think the total ascent is nearer 1600 ft, but it's all done in gentle gradients apart from the short steep bits mentioned in the narrative. Thanks for posting this one!

6/20/2011 - Andrew Maidstone

Walked 19/6/11. Great walk. Especially loved the views from Froggatt and Curbar edge on the return leg. Went straight down the hill at Waymark 14 and only fell over once!!. I would recommend the Grouse Inn for a drink and a bite to eat. Very welcoming and good value for money menu. Also very regular bus service to the start point - even on a Sunday.

6/11/2010 - Linda Edgeley

10/06/10 Sam, just wanted to let you know a group of 14 of us did this walk this weekend for charity. Some of the group had never walked before and they all coped well. Way point 14 was an issue, being too steep for some, but found a gentler route down by just walking to the right for a few minutes. A beautiful walk. Can't wait to do it again .. Thank-u

9/7/2009 - Phil and Sue Eptlett

Very good high level ridge walk without a step ascent to get onto them. At waypoint 7 the waymarker post is no longer there but the route is obvious. At waypoint 14 we could not locate a path of any sort possibly due to the bracken overgrown. So went over the top down steep bank and came across the wall. Excellent days walk.

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