The Humberhead Peatlands from Crowle

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The Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve is a relatively unknown wild area situated on the Isle of Axholme, stretching from North Lincolnshire into South Yorkshire. The Peatlands constitute the largest area of raised bog in lowland Britain - a habitat as rare as the Amazonian rainforest. The list of species living here include snakes, insect-eating plants, birds of prey and rare butterflies. I can recommend the comprehensive information leaflet (link below) which has lots of information about the history, flora and fauna of this fascinating area. Also, the maps in this leaflet are superior to the OS maps in this area.

This walk provides just a taster of the Peatlands and there are many different paths to explore, including the Peatlands' own long-distance footpath, the 45-mile Peatlands Way. These are all detailed in the information leaflet.

One note of caution, however. I said that the area is little-known and there are good reasons for this. Not only is it not well-publicised, but access to the area is difficult. It is truly a wilderness area; the vegetation is high, some of the paths are narrow and boggy and there are biting insects, adders and other species that should be treated with care. All in all, quite a challenging place, but one where the rewards for the nature enthusiast are great. Go prepared and you will enjoy this unique landscape.

Dog-owners, please note that there are two stiles en route. Please keep your dog on a lead (as much for its own protection as for that of the wildlife).


England - East England - Lincolnshire - Humberside


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Lake/Loch, Moor, Mostly Flat, Wildlife, Woodland
2/12/2011 - Angus Townley

A really wild area. Good for spotting Red Deer, interesting insects and other wild life.

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