The Old Man of Storr

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A dramatic walk, initially through the forest to the amazing pinnacles of the Old Man of Storr and then on to the summit of the Storr itself. The route above the Old Man skirts the cliffs before climbing gently up through a grassy corrie to the ridge, which is then followed for a short distance to the summit - the highest point on Skye's Trotternish Ridge.

Scotland - Highlands and Islands - Highland - Skye


Birds, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Moor, Nature Trail, Public Transport, Wildlife, Woodland
6/2/2018 - Moira Dootson

There is no indication in these instructions about the return from the top. The easiest, and perhaps safest way, is to return by the same route but it would be helpful if this instruction was added as no. 13. There is another route back to make a circuit by continuing along the cliff top but care has to be taken to select the correct gully to descend. Also it would be helpful if between instruction 9 and 10 there is reference to the cairn on the left and above the path. When you see this cairn, turn left onto a path which is clearly visible under foot and leads directly to the ridge where you turn left for the summit.

9/11/2015 - eric lewis

The walk looks a lot different at the lower stages now (Sept 2015) due to the removal of all the trees. Still a great walk though and extremely popular!