Toys Hill - Ide Hill - Crockham Hill - Toys Hill

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The Greensand Way (GSW) follows the line of a sandstone ridge which crosses the Surrey Hills and Kent Downs. A hallmark of the Greensand Ridge is the number and variety of magnificent houses and gardens created by distinguished architects and landscape designers. Much of the GSW passes through ancient and mature woodland, ensuring bluebell walks in spring, cool shade in summer and amazing autumn colours.

Starting from Toys Hill, the highest point in Kent, we follow the GSW and head east through woods and rural tranquillity to the attractive village of Ide Hill, where houses cluster around a wide village green and Victorian church with its unusual lychgate. The views from the sandstone ridge in this area are spectacular. Then soon leaving the GSW, our path bends south and strikes west across the Kent Weald, skirting moated Henden Manor. We next reach Obriss Farm, a uniquely beautiful 16th Century farmhouse in open farmland, now restored and maintained by the Landmark Trust.

Still heading west, we regain higher ground to arrive in Crockham Hill Village; the unspoiled pub makes an ideal lunch stop. We now walk north to pick up the GSW at Mariners Hill. So much of the land in this area is preserved and maintained by the National Trust (NT) and the GSW passes the entrance to Chartwell, which Winston Churchill purchased in 1922 and made his family home (in summer months an opportunity for afternoon tea). The GSW will return us, via French Street hamlet and what little remains of Weardale Manor, to the National Trust car park on Toys Hill.

England - South England - Kent - North Kent Hills


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, National Trust, Pub, Restaurant, Stately Home, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
10/4/2015 - Simon Dodson

A great walk with stunning views of the North Downs and Surrey. Directions are clear and accurate. Well worth doing.

3/30/2012 - Alan Sturges

Fantastic walk. Instructions spot on. Tempted to have a few days in Kent in a few weeks just to do it again to see the Bluebells which are already starting to bloom. A must do walk.

4/27/2011 - Patricia Daw

27-4-11 Tricia Daw Fantastic walk with excellent directions - didn't go wrong once. The bluebells etc are all early this year so it was a beautiful walk with carpets of blue in many places. There were many things of interest all the way round. Worth noting that if you carry a packed lunch round, a good place to have it is in the garden dedicated to Octavia Hill opposite you, as you hit the road in Crockham village. It was a hilly walk but we managed it and can live to tell the tale! Thank you.

10/19/2010 - Pina Hayes

A Very beautiful walk. In parts it follows Toys Hill - Mariners Hill - Crockham Hill - Toys Hill of Alan Love, but still very spectacular, very evocative and well described. This time of the year we call it the chestnut walk! In summer in early evening approaching Ide Hill you may encounter deer.

10/10/2010 - Judy Brua

This is a great walk! Instructions are spot on, and there was a nice diversity in the walk - beautiful woods, some agricultural, nice houses and some history. We went on a foggy day and it was lovely even without any views. Graham - please add more walks!

9/26/2010 - Sid Marks

Really enjoyed this walk, excellent views guided by perfect instructions. All stiles and gates were present in good condition. Took me around 4 hours. You will need to be feeling quite fit for this one as there are numerous steep inclines,but well worth it in the end. Recommended.

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