Treherbert to Aberdare

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On leaving the town of Treherbert the footpath ascends Tynewydd Mountain and enters a forest. At this point the path crosses rough, bumpy ground and is basically a passage between trees. Look out for waterfalls falling off the slopes of the mountain.

The path reaches a trig point at a maximum height of 516m before descending through the forest to cross a stream running from the Lluest-wen Reservoir.

At this point the walk joins the Coed Morgannwg Trail. The trail provides excellent views of the Dare Valley Country Park as it begins the descent into Aberdare.

Wales - South Wales - Brecon - Bannau Brycheiniog


Birds, Cafe, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Pub, Public Transport, River, Waterfall, Wildlife, Woodland
10/29/2010 - Walkingworld Administrator

Our thanks to Jake Bourne for his updates for this walk. October 2010. Adrian (Admin)