Two Mills - Puddington - Shotwick - Two Mills

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A circular walk with a chance to see unusual animals, navigate some rarely used footpaths, see outstanding views of the Dee Estuary and admire old halls in a quiet village. You will traverse rarely used paths, well used paths, and explore a remote ancient port with numerous listed buildings.

Starting from a large pub car park the walk will take you first along an old turnpike road, now the A41 (where you may see the emus in the photo). The route will provide superb views of the Dee estuary and the distant power station as you stroll down to Puddington village. Some well used and very pleasant footpaths take you to the remote ancient port of Shotwick with its listed buildings. The walk ends with a pleasant walk up a long and very rural lane back to your car. The walk and can be made about a kilometre shorter if necessary.

This walk is probably suitable for children, senior citizens and anyone in-between; but unfortunately, buggies and wheelchairs will find it hopeless. Although a good part of the walk is along country lanes, you will need boots to negotiate the footpath sections. All of the gates and stiles are in good order, but some stiles are not dog friendly. As a short section of the route may involve passing through nettles avoid wearing shorts. There are no picnic tables or bench seats. However, if you book in advance, you should be able to get a good meal with a drink at 'The Yacht'; an excellent finish to a good walk; and you will also find toilets there.

England - North England - Cheshire - Wirral


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, Restaurant, Toilets
7/17/2019 - John Barrans

Item 3: Crossing the road is challenging to say the least. Once we reached the kissing gate it was clear that the path was impassable so we had no choice but to recross the road and return the way we came.

8/21/2016 - Frank Driessen

A lovely walk. Considering that it is close to busy roads (and even crossing one of them twice) there is no sound of traffic noise, it is very peaceful and rural. The two villages were like taking a step back in time, there were even sheep on the village green! Could have done with a machete by the side of the maize field but otherwise the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. Just remember to start opposite the pub. I'm about to look for another walk by the same contributor.

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