Udimore - Brede Valley - Peasmarsh - Udimore

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The ancient and unusually-named village of Udimore sits on top of a ridge between the valleys of the Rivers Brede and Tillingham. Officially, its name means 'boundary of the woods', which is considerably less exciting than the rather more colourful legend associated with it. Dissatisfied with the chosen location of the church down by the river, a group of persistent (and presumably quite muscular) angels relocated the stones which the villagers had placed each day, to their preferred spot. This meant carrying them 'o'er the mere' - said quickly … Uddimere…. or Udimore, (get it?) It has to be said that the angels probably got it right in this case. St Mary's Church lies snuggled comfortably (and dry!), among a group of farm buildings. It is charming. Do pay a visit!

This walk dips into two river valleys, but in the gentlest of fashions! En route you will catch tantalising glimpses of hilltop towns Rye and Winchelsea, the new wind farm on Romney Marsh (in August 2008 under construction) and the blue line of the sea. Catch sight too of the occasional kingfisher, swans with their 'ugly duckling' cygnets, the vociferous marsh frog and of course, many hundreds of peacefully grazing sheep.

The middle part of the walk, above the Tillingham Valley, wanders beside ancient hedgerows and along lanes which must have been used for hundreds of years. Spot a boundary stone by the lane leading to Dew Farm and a field which was a rather smart, though isolated, cricket pitch until fairly recently. You can make a diversion to visit Peasmarsh Church, a mixture of Norman and 13th Century architecture, if you so wish, passing on the way one of my favourite country signposts which points rather vaguely to Romney Marsh. Approaching the church at Udimore from the road end, pause to appreciate the presence of the rare great crested newt Triturus cristatus. You'll see that an area has been fenced off in order to protect it, successfully halting, for the time being, the construction of a new village hall. How great can be the power of small and helpless creatures!

England - South England - East Sussex - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, River, Wildlife
11/8/2016 - Alison and Clive Gilbert

Thank you for your comments, Douglass. I will contact East Sussex County Council with regard to the issues you mention. Meanwhile, if walkers prefer, from point 10, continue to the end of the lane where it meets the public road and turn left. Pick up the walk instructions again at Barline Farm just beyond point 12. This obviously makes the walk a fraction longer.

11/1/2016 - Douglass David Shadwell

My wife & I completed this walk on 31/10/16 & found it very enjoyable. It might help if a couple of points are noted relating to things which were possibly not apparent when the walk was originally posted. The stile at point 10 is very difficult to negotiate, having no step on the side next to the road and being hemmed in by brambles etc. It verges on the hazardous. The cross-field paths at points 10, 12 & 13 had been obliterated by ploughing, although a ROW does exist. It was possible to walk across these ploughed fields but it might not be so in wet, muddy weather or when crops are present. We walked without problems round the field edges. The stile at point 13 is no longer recongnisable as such, now resembling just a bit of fence. The finger-post is partly hidden on the far side.

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