Upham - Woodcote - Green Hill - Upham

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An easy family walk around the village of Upham, starting from the car park at the recreation ground. The views kick in almost straight away across to Green Hill, which is where you'll be heading. After a gentle climb up Green Hill along a delightful track, you can look back towards White Hill and the South Downs. Then field-paths and a beautiful stretch of woodland return you to Upham. As you continue, the views become more extensive over the superb, gentle, rolling countryside for many miles around to Upham, a lovely village with a church, duck-pond and a great, friendly pub too. All are welcome here... including the resident ghost! There are only two, easy stiles on this walk, both with doggy-stiles.

England - South England - Hampshire - South Downs


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Good for Kids, Great Views, Play Area, Pub, Wildlife, Woodland
8/13/2017 - Harry Cook

A really delightful walk with only two stiles (at the very end). It is extremely pleasant with a mixture of open fields, woods and tracks, all with manageable paths. Two cautions: 1. The recreation field car park is tricky to find, it is to the North East of the triangle in the village and is by the parish notice board. 2. The path at Summerlands crosses a field which is not obvious unless you seek it out. A compass bearing helps. Otherwise a great short walk.

9/25/2016 - Dave Crowley

We had a beautiful walk in the glorious Hampshire countryside, the sun was bright and warm. The recreation ground was nice with good play things for the children, there were some wig wam type play structures that kids would find fun. Although the recent weather had left the ground nice and firm, it did seem that later in the year it might get quite wet and muddy? The views were beautiful and the plentiful foliage was pretty, there were blackberrys all along the route, and I wished I had taken something to collect a few, before they went to waste! Saw many pretty butterflies, birds of prey, pheasants and many other bird species. The route was clear from the walking world instructions, not getting lost at any point! We took the dog along with us, which worked well, only having to take care on the few road sections/crossings.

4/29/2012 - Nick Wieczorek

We (2 adults, 2 children & dog) all enjoyed this walk. The start was understandably a bit squelchy after 2 weeks of heavy rain, but our kids and labrador loved the puddles and we loved the scenery! Really clear instructions and a good variety of paths made for a very pleasant couple of hours. The kids were excited to discover active badger sets, wild flowers, bluebell woods, hares and rabbits, lambs and a kestrel.

2/26/2012 - Alex Neill

This is a lovely walk with great views and lots of variety, and very clearly set out!

1/15/2012 - Louisa Felice

Walked this on a crisp, sunny, beautiful January day and it was absolutely gorgeous with lovely views every step of the way. My favourite of the Upham walks listed on the site. Fantastic instructions as always from Sylvia although according to our smartphone it was 0.4 miles short of the given distance!

7/12/2011 - Walkingworld Administrator

Our thanks to Sylvia Saunders for her updates for this walk. July 2011. Adrian (Admin)

2/6/2011 - Jane Stillo

I did this walk with my dog and a group of friends today, 6th February 2011. We thoroughly enjoyed the views and changing scenery. It took us about one hour forty to complete and having been very windy but dry, we then fortified ourselves with a drink and fab Sunday roast at The Brushmakers Arms - humans and dogs alike! Many thanks for the clear, easy to follow directions.

4/13/2008 - Ray Churcher

My wife and I did this walk 13th April. This is a shortish walk in lovely open countryside. It is very easy to follow and the going is good throughout-no real hilly bits. The wooded area beyond point 15 we got to know quite intimately since we stood in there for probably 20mins. whilst a torrential downpour passed over!Thanks for this,Ray Churcher.

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