Wargrave - Crazies Hill - High Knowl Wood - Wargrave

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Starting from the centre of Wargrave where there are four(!)pubs, the walk heads up School Lane and Wargrave Hill to leave Wargrave Village and pass out into the countryside. After crossing a field, the walk enters the Hennerton Golf Club, where there are some great views from the hills. After descending into a valley, there is a climb on the other side with the opportunity to look back over the golf course.

From here, more country lane-walking follows before heading across fields and past the manor into Crazies Hill. Here there is an opportunity to stop at another pub.

From Crazies Hill, the walk heads through woodland and some muddy tracks. The compensation is the woodland views, especially during the autumnal months.

After leaving the woodland section, the walk crosses farmland before rejoining Wargrave Hill and the route back into the centre of the village. From here you have the chance to sample three further pubs and check out the village itself.

England - South England - Berkshire - Countryside


Great Views, Pub, Public Transport, Wildlife, Woodland
10/4/2022 - Bill Purdom

This is a great walk with a pleasant variety of aspects, open fields, different types of woodland, country lanes and the quaint village of Wargrave. Highly recommended, the instructions are extremely clear and easy to follow.

3/22/2020 - Patricia Daw

Walked with my husband during the coronavirus isolation period for some fresh air. Updated instructions with warnings about muddy sections much appreciated, but nothing too challenging with sturdy walking boots, even when 5 months pregnant! Some gorgeous views to be had and also lots of opportunities for gazing wistfully at houses we can't afford :) A lovely way to spend a sunny March Sunday in the country!

11/10/2019 - Andrew Long

27 October 2019 Route walked and updated following comments previously made by walkers.

10/27/2019 - Andrew Long

Following the receipt of Gavin’s useful feedback, today I headed off to Wargrave to walk the route. I have tweaked the instructions and added in a number of new updated photographs.

10/6/2019 - Gavin Bradshaw

This is a very pleasant walk with clear directions. It was quite slippery underfoot in places, but the directions made that very clear up front, so I can't mark it down for that. The country lane portions of the walk were very quiet on a Sunday afternoon. I've just a few updates to suggest. WM 12. There is no longer a barbed-wired fence to look out for. It's all regular wire fence now. So just look out for the two trees with the white arrows on them, then you should see the path going half right up the hill into the woods. WM 15. The first stile near the sunken road has all but disappeared now and is easily missed. So just cross the sunken path and pass round the next stile. WM 16. Ends with, 'There is a garage on your left'. Not anymore, it's a brand new set of houses. Just gone on the market by the looks of things.

12/14/2014 - Andrew Long

Road name corrected in WM8 as requested.

12/3/2014 - Nigel Williamson

Under Waymark 8 Turn right into Worleys Lane NOT Wormeys Lane Otherwise good walk with excellent directions.

6/29/2013 - Chris French

After a couple of months mapping out several flattish walks of my own, it was nice to use someone else's route and get a few ups and downs. I had a great day for it - and as a bonus Wargrave was having a "Village in Knit" sort of week. Everything that didn't move was covered in knitting. See some of my photos http://www.frogslegs.org/walks/2013_Crazies_Hill/

12/2/2012 - Andrew Long

Walk re-visited and minor updates made. Use of walking stick recommended to steady yourself in muddy sections. White Hart Hotel was not open on the day I walked the route (sunday lunchtime). Please can anyone shed any light on this pub ?

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Distance away
29.9 Miles