West Linton - King Seat - White Craig -and Back

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West Linton Golf Club - King Seat - Byrehope Mount - Craigencar - White Craig - Black Law - West Linton Golf Club

Considering that this area is quite close to a city, the feeling of isolation and wilderness is impressive. Indeed, even sheep tracks are hard to find but very welcome and deer paths are also in evidence. Deer appear to be happy to run through bog, whereas sheep avoid the wet areas where possible. The feeling of freedom is enhanced by the magnificent long-distance views. This is not a walk to be undertaken when deep snow is lying as the terrain is very rough and made up of heather, reeds, grass tufts and some bog. However, the rewards justify the effort.

Scotland - Central Scotland - Midlothian - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Tea Shop, Wildlife

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