West Malvern and Cockshot Hill

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The walk is mainly on tracks with just a few field-paths and has no strenuous climbing and very few stiles. Signposting is generally very good and where the route goes through woodland, the one path is clear and easily followed. The linear village is quite high on the flanks of the Malvern Hills and has good views to the west. On the return there are sudden sightings of Worcestershire Beacon which rises directly above the start. It is very different in character from the high, open walks along the main ridge, but quite charming.

England - Central England - Worcestershire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Good for Kids, Great Views, Pub, Public Transport, Wildlife, Woodland
8/17/2013 - Ian Mapp

Superb Walk. Looking for something that started at the Brewer's Arms - one of the top 10 pubs in Worcestershire. This walk couldn't be better positioned and took me on new paths away from the Malvern Hills. That good, I re-subscribed to WalkingWorld. But to be fair - I do this every August! My photos at http://mappiman.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/170813-cockshot-to-cradley.html Thanks.

10/3/2011 - Robert Corden

Just wanted to say that I did this walk again Saturday last. It had been on my radar for a while before I finally got to do it the first time in early September with my mate. We enjoyed it even more 2nd time around, no map or GPS assistance needed. Weather was superb, as was the scenery all around us. I absolutely love this walk,and it is currently my favourite from the several walks I have done via Walking World.

9/16/2011 - Jim Grindle

I'm glad that you enjoyed the walk, Robert - yes, the directions are correct. When I first did this walk I did the same as you, just crashed on along the track until I came to the gate. I went back and found that the low post was almost entirely hidden by grass, so I cleared it for the photograph. It's almost certain that the growth is back so could I ask anybody walking this route to be careful to watch out for it and also to give the grass round the marker a bit of a trim.

9/6/2011 - Robert Corden

A very enjoyable walk, as Jim says - very different from the high, open ridge walk. We initially ignored the path off to the right at WP7, as it did not look like the picture, and my GPS indicated ahead. We turned back after the gate as my GPS was pointing ahead to the next WP, and there was no sign of a path, only a steep fenced off field. Perhaps Jim can confirm my mates view that the track winding it's way down, would have taken us to WP8. We backtracked to the path we ignored, and made our way down the steep field instead. Will definitely do this walk again. Thanks Jim

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