Wetton - Grindon - Ford - Onecote - Grindon - Wetton

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Taking you around this way will probably lose least walkers in trying to follow the route. On this walking I realised that one field section is not shown on the 1:25000 scale Ordnance Survey map, allowing for an extra field placed the paths where they should be and stiles were then easy to find.

There are a few landmarks worthy of note, with Thor's Cave outside Wetton and Grindon Church with its tall spire.

The Pub at Onecote 'The Jervis Arms' seems to have quite erratic lunchtime opening, although there is a sign outside stating that they are open seven days a week with food served between 12-2pm. I have walked to here previously and found it closed at 2:15pm on a midweek lunchtime.

The route takes you through the quiet hamlet of Ford, though there is now a bridge rather than a ford here.

The return to Grindon from Onecote can provide a few surprises. On this walking I found the route to be fenced off with barbed wire in one place with the next stile clearly visible beyond. This was reported to the relevant authorities, with photographic evidence. I have been informed that this will be rectified.

England - Central England - Staffordshire - Peak District


Birds, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, River, Toilets, Wildlife
5/31/2008 - Michael IAnson

I led a group of six Hinckley Ramblers on this walk on Sunday 25th May. It's not always the easiest to follow as parts of it are over open fields with no clear footpath. We didn't get lost though and with a map and compass you should be OK. We did find the path blocked with barbed wire in a couple of places: firstly just to the south of Ford and secondly, as the notes indicate, at Bullclough. This will be reported to our footpaths secretary who will take it up with the local authorities. Overall a good day out; thanks Paul.

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