Wicken - Horsefen Drove - Bracks Drove - Wicken

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A peach of a walk, flat with open farmland, fens, tree-lined tracks and village house 'backs'. Butterflies abound along the open grassy pathways. This walk has amazing diversity, always something different around the corner.
Wicken is a small village of about 600 people, famous for Wicken Fen, the oldest nature reserve in the country. Charles Darwin was known to go there to collect beetles in the 1820s. A visit can be incorporated into this walk. Wicken's church, St Lawrence, dates from the 13th Century and there is a memorial to Henry Cromwell and his family. In the village there is a restored smock grain mill and a blacksmith.

England - East England - Cambridgeshire - Fens


Butterflies, Cafe, National Trust, Pub, Public Transport, Toilets, Wildlife
10/5/2012 - David and Chris Stewart

Thanks Paul, all been updated now. Chris, Walkingworld Admin.

9/30/2012 - Paul Philpott

Firstly, the Explorer map is 226 not 266 as stated. The start fo the walk is from Wicken Fen National Trust car park, since the author wrote up the walk it has become a pay & display car park. (it is free for National Trust members) The very first navigational statement is to turn left from the car park, when it should be turn right. Other than the above, the walk was accurately described and worth doing.

11/13/2010 - Phil Treble

A lovely walk, just a little short for my liking. I walked this in November - the sloes were out in force. Just wish I had a container to put some in! Great directions and well signposted. Thanks!