Wimbleball Lake - Haddon Hill - Wimbleball Lake

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The only road-walking, a short section on a quiet lane, is got out of the way at the start as you leave the South West Lakes Trust car park. Be sure to leave time for a refreshing pot of tea here after your walk, but please note the seasonal opening times. You are soon off the road and gain an impressive view of Wimbleball Dam as you round a corner of the track. You can also now see Haddon Hill above you, which is where you are heading once you cross the dam.

Once through a short section of Haddon Wood and out onto the open heath, the views all around but especially behind you over Wimbleball Lake are superb and get even better as you gain height. Take plenty of breaks to admire these views and the climb up to the triangulation point which is steep in places and on faint tracks through the heather, will soon be behind you.

This is the highest part of the walk and from here to the lakeside it is downhill all the way. This descent is gentle at first with the views over the lake on your left visible as you cross the heath. When you leave the heath and go downhill through the trees the going becomes steeper, but nowhere is it uncomfortably so. This short section of woodland is quite open and gives a good opportunity for bird-spotting. Through the trees and you are now almost at the lake and will stay in contact with it nearly all the way back to the car park.
Once over the dam, the path stays close to the lakeside and heads back to the sailing club adjacent to the start. This path comprises a mixture of woodland and open grassland with an occasional wooden bench on which to sit and look across the water, before that pot of tea from the cafe in the car park.

England - South West England - Somerset - Exmoor


Birds, Cafe, Great Views, Lake/Loch, Play Area, Toilets
9/4/2021 - Gary Davis

A most enjoyable walk with great views from the trig point. I can confirm Patricia's comment about paying at the carpark, coins are essential. Also note some navigation changes: 1) At Waypoints 5, 12 and 13, the signs have been replaced. The words are different but the meaning is still obvious. 2) At Waypoints 7 and 5, stiles have been replaced by gates. 3) At Waypoint 17, there is now a footpath from the sailing club to the carpark (follow the signs to the cafe) so there is no need to go out to the road.

7/6/2021 - Patricia Daw

Walked with friends on 26th June 2021. Something to bear in mind is that there is no phone or WIFI signal down at the car park: you therefore need cash for the car park. The cafe, or hatch during Covid times, was taking card payment only on a very weak signal. We enjoyed the walk partic around the dam. We got a bit lost finding the path down to the dam after we'd been to the toilets after the trig point but we managed.

5/19/2018 - Adrian Gardiner

Good walk! Did this on quite a warm day and for a walk classed as easy we found it challenging in places. Maybe this was due to the amount of walking we did during the week! Anyway we enjoyed the varied scenery and views from the top of the heath. Thanks

8/13/2009 - Wendy Adams

A very beautifull walk with many different changes in landscape but with lovely views of the dam and the lake. However on a hot day the flys on the heathland were a nuisance for dogs and humans. One I would think to be done in the spring or autumn.

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Distance away
24.9 Miles