Windsor Great Park, Windsor Castle, Windsor Town

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The walk starts in the northern part of Windsor Great Park. It takes past the Copper Horse on Snow Hill, along the impressive Long Walk leading up to Windsor castle. it then continues through the town of Windsor, returning via the outskirts of Windsor then through open parkland back to the start point.

England - South England - Berkshire - Thames Valley


Ancient Monument, Castle, Great Views, Wildlife
8/5/2020 - Norman Lavender

Jim Leigh indicated that the car park is only open at weekends, this is no longer the case - see recently updated access information.

10/12/2018 - Jim Leigh

Cranbourne car park is only open at weekends. If going midweek it would be better to start at waymark 14. Also the route from waymark 14 back to 1 is not very nice in wet grass, much better to just stick to the estate roads.

6/28/2014 - Gary Harmer

This is a great walk if you want to see the beauty of the Great Park. If you are going on a busy weekend sunny day then you need to get to the car park fairly early to secure a space ! Great instructions, easy to follow, many thanks !

10/28/2011 - Norman Lavender

Following Emma's comment, the start point instructions have been updated to make it absolutely clear where the car park is, but I would also endorse Adrian's comment that use of the map is essential.

4/27/2010 - Adrian Perkins

We strongly recommend that walkers always download and print out the Walkingworld map that goes with each walk. This always shows exactly where the start point is (and all the other waypoints as well). Adrian (Admin)

4/27/2010 - Emma Southwell

This walk says it starts from Cranbourne car park on the A332. We drove up and down the A332 many times. There are a few car parks but we had no idea which it was supposed to be. There are no signs on that road that indicate you are in Cranbourne. The start point you give needs to be clearer. This was a waste of money for us as we could not do the walk.

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