Withypool - Tarr Steps - Knaplock - Circular

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A varied and fascinating walk taking in a delightful route along the River Barle, the ancient Tarr Steps and a section of the moors. Please note that the route can be very muddy after rainfall and can even be impassable in winter.

England - South West England - Somerset - Exmoor


National Trust, Pub, River, Wildlife
4/20/2014 - Paul and Tracy Dawson

The walk up to Tarr Steps along the river, is flat and simply beautiful, from there the walk becomes more demanding but still stunning countryside and views. Excellent walk details

7/2/2011 - Barbara Howcroft

Just to let you know that we did this walk while on holiday in Somerset (26.06.11), and what a lovely walk it was. Very dog friendly and according to our GPS it was 8 mile not 10, but with such a lovely walk who's counting!! Barbara, Jeff, Kathryn & Millie the dog

11/12/2007 - Walkingworld Administrator

Big thank you to Nigel Stone for adding new photos and updates to this walk - November 2007.

7/9/2007 - Alan Every

We did this route as a training run for Amsterdam marathon. Beautiful and easy to follow route, even at speed! Main highlight was the route along the river. Wading in the water at Tarr Steps and Withypool were great knee soothers after the run. Route has excellent description and photos, however got slightly lost at end in farmers fields. Highly recommended whether running or walking.

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Distance away
25.5 Miles