Wood of Cree, Moor of Barclye and Knockman Wood

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The route uses grassy tracks to traverse moorland recently acquired by the RSPB and reach ancient, semi-natural Knockman Wood. This walk may either be treated as a four-mile linear, necessitating two cars; or as a six-mile circular, with a two-mile return leg along a scenic country road.

From the RSPB car park at the edge of Wood of Cree, the path rises through trees and emerges to ascend the modest slopes of Mill Hill. Descending again, wide, grassy paths cross the Moor of Barclye, where the RSPB and Cree Valley Community Woodlands Trust are planting broad-leaved native trees which will eventually link the two woodlands. The route then passes through a deer-fence to enter Knockman Wood. Following a short passage through conifers the path emerges into deciduous woodland and attains the summit cairn, from where wide views of the surrounding countryside and the 2,331ft Cairnsmore of Fleet may be enjoyed. Now follows a long, gentle descent through trees and open areas to reach the Forestry Commission Scotland's car park. If you left a second vehicle here, this marks the finish of your four-mile hike. Otherwise, walk the few hundred yards out to the road, turn right and follow it through open countryside for two miles, meeting the River Cree on your way back to the start.

Scotland - South Scotland - Dumfries and Galloway - Moors