Wye to Chilham by the Pilgrim's Way

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This is a linear walk using the train from Chilham to Wye and then walking back. The walk follows a section of the Pilgrim's Way from Boughton Aluph through King's Wood.

Taking the train allows you to walk this interesting section of the Pilgrim's Way as it wends towards Canterbury. Unlike much of the Pilgrim's Way there is good evidence here that it was actually walked by medieval pilgrims. The little church at Boughton Aluph has a large fireplace in the south porch, where pilgrims would gather before venturing through the wood. There was safety in numbers, at a time when robbery was a real danger.

King's Wood is an interesting place in its own right. In the first section you can see great swathes of coppiced sweet chestnut, almost certainly planted and harvested to create long poles for the hop industry. Further on there are impressive stands of beech, before the wood opens out to give fine views across the countryside.

This walk features in the 'Pathways' book; for more information click on the link on the Walkingworld homepage.

England - South England - Kent - North Downs


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Public Transport, Woodland
7/26/2011 - David and Chris Stewart

Dog enjoyed the section in the woods. No problem taking dog on the train.

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16.8 Miles