Allenheads - Killhope Law - Clevison Currick - Allenheads

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The walk starts from Allenheads, a former important lead mining centre and one of the highest villages in England. A little under a mile of flat road-walking then follows through the long, spread-out village before the route heads straight up Allendale Common towards Killhope Law, at 2,208 feet the eighth highest peak in the North Pennines Eastern Fells. The easy to follow route up the fell is a combination of grassy and stony track before the final section up to the summit cairn and trig point across an area of boggy peat. The views from the summit take in most of the high peaks in the western and eastern fells of the North Pennines.

From Killhope Law there follows a long section of rough, undulating, moorland walking through moorland grass, gullies, peat hags and heather that eventually intersects the Cowshill to Allenheads road. The last third of this section from Clevison Currick to the road is across fairly flat terrain with good views looking down into the Upper Weardale Valley. The final lap heads downhill for an easy but steep road descent back to Allenheads Village. One third of the route is along roads without a pavement but with light traffic.

England - North England - Northumberland - North Pennines


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Pub, River, Toilets, Wildlife
10/7/2013 - Trish Teague

I agree totally with the previous comment. The vast majority of this walk is an ankle snapping bog stomp. Dogs are not allowed on the last third of the walk either because of the open access status of the land. I was not comfortable stamping across open grouse moor either and I'm glad we didn't bump into any gamekeepers. I know we have the right to roam, but I do think if there are public rights of way available they should be used out of respect for the people who make their living in the countryside.

4/15/2012 - Philip Scott

Walked this today in partly cloudy weather, biting north wind with occasional snow showers. Navigation was easy and I had no difficulty following the route. The 1st section is a moderate climb on a decent track up to the summit of Killhope Law where excellent views are to be had. The next bit is across open moorland with peat hags, bogs, gullies and tufted grass to catch out the unwary walker who could twist an ankle quite easily if not careful. The last section following the fence line back to the road was similar terrain but it was even more wet and boggy and unrelenting, sturdy waterproof boots and I would say gaiters are essential; without, both my feet would have been soaking wet. I may have caught the conditions on a bad day but even in summer I can't see it being much drier underfoot. Overall an okay walk but a bit of a boggy trudge. Other walks in the area are easier underfoot and drier for similar vistas. I don't think I would do this one again.

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