Askrigg, Nappa Hall and the Falls

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The walk goes along the banks of the Ure and climbs to visit impressive waterfalls in feeder becks. The principal climb is on a lane (a dead-end) which makes things easier, while the views from the top are none the worse for the easy ascent! Askrigg with its market cross, 15th Century church and three-storeyed buildings, is a charming village which you will certainly enjoy looking around.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales - Wensleydale


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Waterfall, Wildlife, Woodland
6/3/2022 - Helen Colley

Did this superb walk again 3/6/2022. It was the Jubilee Weekend and we didn't see a soul apart from a couple of dog walkers on the first stretch by the Ure, and then just a handful of people at Whitfield Gill Force and Mill Gill Force. Wonderful wildflowers along the way - masses of water avens, cranesbill, native English bluebells, and by the waterfalls vast carpets of wild garlic in perfect blossom spangling the floor of the woods. Very happy to report that not a single dead rabbit was seen on this occasion! One of our favourite walks in the Dales.

6/22/2021 - Helen Colley

Walked 22 June 2021, absolutely superb. Fabulous wildflower meadows along the banks of the Ure, especially at the start out of Askrigg. One meadow was full of ox-eye daisies, buttercups, huge pink clover flowers, eyebrights, orchids etc., with clouds of small black moths. Fantastic views of the whole Dale once up to Nappa Hall, contouring along under Nappa Scar on easy tracks. (There is still a problem for the poor rabbits…) Then a gorgeous descent via the waterfalls of Whitehead and Mill Gills. There are lively pools for wild swimming at Whitehead Gill falls. The path to Mill Gill falls is now open and easy to follow. Will definitely do this again.

2/23/2012 - Ian Dodd

Walked 4/2/12 in the snow - the views were stunning. Couldn't see a red metal gate at 8 but the picture at 9 shows the way clearly, diagonally up the hill. Take the time to see the tiny but beautiful memorial chapel near 13. Just before the bench you will see a sign on the wall on the right inviting you to visit. Whilst it's true there is no way through to Whitfield Gill from the bridge at 18, if you carry on down the path a little way, there is another path, on your right, back to it. When you arrive at 21, don't be distracted by the stile and bridge on your left, also signposted to Askrigg - your way is through the gap in the wall on your right. This is a lovely, varied walk, highly recommended.

10/29/2007 - Paul Paintin

Completed Tuesday 23rd October 2007. Decent route, spoiled by free roaming livestock at WM9(nervous companion) and what can only be described as a Dead Rabbit Highway between WM13 & WM14.

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