Kirkby Lonsdale - Casterton - Kirkby Lonsdale

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The walk starts in the superb market town of Kirkby Lonsdale, where many a pleasant hour can be spent exploring its delightful hidden alleyways and squares. The route takes you past inviting shops to the churchyard, which is carpeted with daffodils in spring. At the far side, Ruskin's View can be found. The view of the River Lune at this point inspired a painting by Turner and was famously admired by Ruskin ('the finest in all England') - hence the name.

From here you descend to follow the river all the way to Devil's Bridge, which is a scheduled ancient monument and another of Turner's subjects. A short climb up through fields brings you to High Casterton with its wonderful mellow old stone houses. More fields are traversed before you reach Fellfoot Road. This ancient track gives excellent walking for approximately three kilometres and you can relax and enjoy the stunning views all around. The heights of Bowland, the Lune Valley and the Lakeland Fells can all be seen as you stride along.

Also of interest along the track are the sheepfold sculptures by the internationally renowned artist Andy Goldsworthy. There are 16 stones in all, each enclosed in its own sheepfold; these form part of the UK Year of Visual Arts in Cumbria Project developed by Cumbria County Council. Eventually you drop down through fields once more to Casterton, a lovely village which also boasts an excellent pub.

Next, the magnificent building of Casterton Hall is passed before traversing another very old lane, which brings you back to Devil's Bridge and so on up into Kirkby Lonsdale market square.

England - North England - Cumbria - Lunesdale


Birds, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, River, Toilets, Wildlife
10/31/2021 - Paul Philpotts

Walked 31 Oct 2021. Lovely walk, bit wet underfoot in places but it is October. Stopped at the Pheasant for a pint on the way. Descriptions are pretty good. Found our way round no trouble. Paul

8/17/2020 - Simon Worrall

Walked August 2020. Very enjoyable walk. We stopped for a very nice pub lunch at The Pheasant in Casterton on our way around. NOTE: the long track which starts at WP15 can be very wet. The track catches water running down from the fells above to the right so after wet weather was more like a stream in places! WP24 - the derelict barn is now a luxury holiday cottage with outside jacuzzi! PARKING - as previously noted there is a large free car park (one section reserved for motorcycles at the weekend) close to Devils Bridge which is a better option than trying to park in the centre of Kirkby Lonsdale.

9/25/2016 - Robert Hughes

An excellent walk with great variety and easy to follow - though boots are essential as parts are quite damp underfoot. The following updates might be helpful. WM5 The sign to Colliers Lane had been replaced with one marked High Casterton via Laitha Lane. WM6 the second stile a been replaced with a kissing gate. WM8 I couldn't find the stile but you can simply go through the field gate in the corner of the field. WM11 The hedge corner is on your left - I aimed for the right corner by mistake. WM13 the sign to Bents Lane has been replaced with one simply marked footpath. WM17 There is a second footpath sign here to Bents Lane which you follow. WM18 The makeshift stile seems to have gone so go over.through the gate and then there is a new stile over a fence across the field. WM19 The stile has a gate across it - presumably to avoid the sheep using the stile! WM31 there is now only one post and rail fence - keep it on your right. WM34 the sign to Kirkby Lonsdale has been replaced by one to Chapel House Lane. Hope this helps future walkers.

1/25/2009 - Gary Crossley

24/01/09 - Fanatstic walk and very well described - our compliments to the author. Free parking can be found over the bridge between waymarks 4 & 5 as parking in town is usually restricted to 3 hours pay & display. GC

11/13/2008 - Walkingworld Administrator

Strange - our calculations do make the walk about 8 - 8.5 miles or 13 - 14 kms.

11/3/2008 - Peter Wallis

PLease note that this walk is only 6.3miles long not 8 as shown in the text P Wallis 1/11/08

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