Reeth - Arkengarthdale - Langthwaite - Reeth

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This walk sets out from Reeth, one of the dale's best-loved villages in beautiful Swaledale, where it occupies a commanding position at the junction of the main valley of Swaledale and the side valley of Arkengarthdale. Arkengarthdale branches to the north-west and is where the walk actually takes place, first going up the eastern side of the delightful Arkengarthdale Valley below the imposing Fremington Edge to the footbridge just short of Langthwaite, before returning down the opposite side of Arkle Beck and the valley to Reeth.
It is worth mentioning that Reeth itself is an ideal place for a picnic or lunch, with its sloping village greens affording a grand vista while being surrounded by three-storey houses, its inns and the former old Methodist schoolroom now housing the Swaledale Folk Museum.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales - Swaledale


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Museum, Pub, River, Tea Shop, Toilets
2/28/2022 - Helen Colley

Did this walk again at the end of February, even more delightful thanks to the wild snowdrops in flower along the route. We did it just a few days after Storm Franklin. When we got to the footbridge to cross Arkle Beck just before Langthwaite village, there is a side stream that joins the beck on the far side and has to be crossed to follow the return route. After the heavy rains, it was in spate and completely impassible. It wasn't too much of a problem as we went back a short distance by the outward route to the other footbridge across Arkle Beck. From there it is easy to follow a path a short distance uphill to join the return route of this walk.

11/26/2021 - Helen Colley

Absolutely fabulous walk on a bright winter’s day. Delightful all the way round, very easy route finding. Very peaceful. Will definitely be doing this again!

11/26/2021 - Helen Colley

Absolutely fabulous walk on a bright winter’s day. Delightful all the way round, very easy route finding. Very peaceful. Will definitely be doing this again!

10/29/2019 - Kerry Temple

A lovely walk and very well written. We are very good at getting lost but found this very easy to follow. Just a note to anyone thinking of doing the walk, when we got to waymark 13 at the point were it says to cross the footbridge we had to miss this out as due to recent flooding the bridge has been washed away and a lot of the pathways on the opposite side are inaccessible. We carried on to Langthwaite and followed the road back to Reeth. The route is due to reopen in January 2020. Still a lovely walk though with some beautiful scenery.

5/13/2017 - Graham Mills

Did this walk on May Day bank holiday Monday in 2017, in glorious weather. Excellent walk with very good directions. Recommend using the Ramblers Shack at West Raw Croft farm (point 14), a nice honesty cafe with tea, coffee, biscuits, crisps etc for sale.

2/18/2014 - Tom and Joyce Kay

Undertook this walk in February starting from and returning to a little north of Langthwaite. The streams were difficult to cross and were flowing very fast. The west side to Reeth was otherwise straight forward and was accomplished comfortably under 2 hours. However, the return walk along the east side of the valley was taxing with the most mud we have ever encountered. The time for this section was just under 3 hours. It certainly was not an 'Easy' walk.

4/8/2013 - Adrian Mabe

Did this walk on Easter Monday, with the unseasonal cold weather continuing. We found the section alongside walls between WM6 and 9 particularly taxing. Nearly the whole time the path was either snow, ice, mud or melted snow. It needed a high degree of concentration to avoid slipping. As a result it took us a full 2 hours to get as far as Heggs House. No doubt it will be a lot easier given better weather. We took the short cut at WM11. The return leg, across field paths was very much easier, and we reached Reeth in good spirits.

1/19/2012 - Walkingworld Admin

Our thanks to Philip Ingram for his updates for this walk. January 2012. Adrian (Admin)

1/16/2012 - Philip Ingram

We did this walk on a clear, frosty day in mid-January 2012. It's an enjoyable walk in lovely country. As less agile walkers (Arthritis etc), we found the frozen ruts on the outbound bridle-way almost halved our walking speed, hence we used the short cut from WP11 to WP14 - thanks! The plus side was that most of the marshy stretches were frozen solid, making it much easier to keep our feet dry. Without the frost, I think we would have needed our rubble sacks (used as portable wellies) in several places.

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