Reeth - Harkerside Moor - Grinton - Reeth

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Walk along the river from Reeth and then climb up to the prehistoric fort of Maiden Castle. Continue up onto the moors, where you should be rewarded with stunning views. Finally return via a charming path along the riverside.

Maiden Castle is little more than a circular ditch and earth rampart, but the location is fabulous. Reeth itself is a beautiful village or town, with plenty of interesting shops, tea places, pubs and hotels. The Swaledale Folk Museum is worth a visit.

The section on the moors could be difficult to navigate in poor weather.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales - Swaledale


Church, Great Views, Pub, River, Toilets
11/7/2018 - Alan Kellett

Walked on a wet 7 Nov 2018, ground was firm not boggy at all. Great views when the low clowd broke. The climb up to Harkerside Moor is quite strenuous once on the top its all down hill. Mostly good foot paths be careful Maiden Castle to Blue Hill the path is less well marked. Mainly off road or on minor roads. Would recommend this walk.

2/13/2013 - Philip Scott

I walked this on 11/02/13, it had been snowing overnight and Reeth was carpeted in a light covering of the white stuff, it is a lovely village but looked even better with a covering of snow. The walk itself I have done before, navigation is easy and there are some nice views of Swaledale from the top. The snow was deeper up there and had drifted into 1-2ft depths. A very enjoyable walk.

12/2/2007 - Kevin Stockley

Did this walk again 25/11/07again sticking to the shooters track, an ideal walk for when it is boggy elsewhere. Loved it.

10/21/2007 - Kevin Stockley

Great walk which we did today 21/10/07 in perfect sunny autumn weather, just to make it easier stick to the Shooters Track off the road which is sign posted Bolton Castle then follow the track over the moor to the east.

1/22/2007 - Walkingworld Administrator

Much of this walk does indeed cross grouse moors but restricted access does not include public footpaths which this route uses entirely throughout. Please always ensure that your dogs are under close control and on short leads during nesting periods and stick strictly to the footpaths and please keep us informed of any problems encountered.

1/21/2007 - joseph moller

NB May to August - NOT dog friendly as most of the walk travels through Grouse moors.

9/14/2005 - Gary Fisher

There is a new bridge on the site of the old one across the Swale, rebuilt in 2002, with information about the old bridge and the storm which destroyed it.

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