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This flat part of Sussex is criss-crossed by a bewildering number of footpaths. This walk is a small example of the possibilities. The walk starts immediately south of the Black Horse pub in Nuthurst, West Sussex. This is a pleasant old village pub, with a beer-garden next to a stream, serving good beer and acceptable food. To the right is the old parish church of St Andrew's; both the graveyard and the church itself are worth a visit.

The lane opposite the church goes to The Architectural Plants centre (APC). This sells exotic well-trained trees and large bushes and a walk around the centre is recommended to anyone with an interest in gardening. Also of interest to gardeners is the large Hillier Garden Centre nearby on the A281, towards Horsham. On the same site is a Birds of Prey Centre, where there are regular exhibitions of the birds being put through their paces. Shortly after the Architectural Plants Centre is a tiny pottery factory and a linen centre.

Both of these were inactive when we did the walk (after 5pm) and additional notes from anyone visiting these places would be welcome.

The Lady in Grey will point out the way.

England - South England - West Sussex - Countryside


Church, Mostly Flat, Pub
4/18/2006 - Ian Runcie

As mentioned in my introduction to 3655, the Wealden clay does make very good mud as well as beautiful bluebells. Never had to use poles though (how about stilts). Bridleways are always the worst and the alternative route mentioned at waymark 11 may provide some relief.

4/15/2006 - Stephen Harris

A pleasant walk through some interesting woodland. A little care has to be taken over the directions as it is easy to go wrong! A point to add is that at waypoint 9 it was very very very muddy (and stenchy!) when we walked this today (15/04/06). Waterproof footwear and poles are essential to navigate through this after waypoint 9. A good walk though. 6/10.

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