Appleby - Ormside - Hoff - Appleby

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Walk from historic Appleby along the glorious River Eden with delightful wildflowers and butterflies. Refresh yourself at the New Inn at Hoff and then follow the Hoff Beck back to Appleby with lovely views of the hills and castle.

Easy enough walk but lots of stiles, not all of which would be easy for dogs. It can be muddy after rain.

There is some slightly complicated navigation through the fields in the middle of this walk, so make sure you have the map and ideally the app too!

England - North England - Cumbria - Eden Valley


Birds, Butterflies, Castle, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Pub, Public Transport, River, Woodland
2/5/2022 - Honor Davison

We did this walk early February. Although the day was dry and the walk not difficult, there was a considerable amount of mud in places. We wore wellies and would really advise it if you're doing this walk in winter. I was also glad of my walking pole to stop me slithering over. At point 10 the stile and sign post have been reinstated. We agree the New Inn in Hoff is worth a stop - welcoming host, good beer and tasty sandwiches (they are closed Monday and Tuesday, at least in winter). At point 14/15 we lost the route - possibly our own fault but having crossed the beck at Bandley Bridge, we headed up the hill on the only path visible. On the map this is the path marked to the left and missed the Dales High Way, the route marked, taking you on to point 16. It meant that we came out on the road a little further out of town, not a big problem but we're still wondering where the marked route was! Worth noting when you get to this point.

7/13/2018 - Amanda Delaney

Completed this walk on friday 13th July 2018. This was a gentle finish to a week's walking in this lovely area. Since the route was published, it would appear that most of the stiles have been replaced or modified to include dog gates. Unlike the Appleby - Dufton route we only had to carry our German Shepherd over 2 stiles! Great directions, although occasionally I had moments of doubt because the distance between way markers seemed very long - but using Walking World on top of View Ranger helped allay my fears that I had gone wrong (thanks for that tip Walking World! ).

7/3/2015 - Barry Smith

Did this walk on 1st July 15. Originally went for train ride and to explore Appleby, but the lads decided they wanted a walk and this was available via Viewranger and WalkingWorld so we plumbed for this! I'm glad we did, fantastic walk! Although we did it from Appleby Railway Station and this makes it a tad over 8 miles. No corrections needed to the walk description, very well laid out. No mud to speak of, but then again it was the hottest day of the year! The New Inn at Hoff is well worth a visit, fairly new owners, Arron & Carolyn, made us most welcome, and the food is delicious!

5/2/2005 - victoria moore

Did this walk with friends on 1st May 2005. It took 3 hours, not the 2 noted - impossible for this distance (6.5 miles). It is a lovely walk, albeit very muddy and the photos are critical to finding way around as poorly signposted. The Ormside Inn sadly closed a year ago and so the only option for refreshments in Ormside is the caravan park just past WM6. Can recommend New Inn in Hoff - no chance to sample great menu though!

3/28/2005 - John Crampton

My wife and I did this walk on 24 March 2005 and would make the following comments: In the 'Access information' please note that you need to drive about 900 yards past the bridge, up the hill.   As you reach the brow of the hill, there is a sign on the right indicating parking and picnic area. At waypoint 5, after turning right there is a fork in the road.   You need to take the left fork for the Inn. At waypoint 8 it was not clearly signed and we got quite lost.   Eventually we found Looking Flatt Farm, but then nearly missed the stile at waypoint 10.   The farmer has removed some of the fencing, the stile and the sign post!   Luckily we saw them laid in the ditch. We managed to follow the walk quite well up to waypoint 19, where we couldn't find the Scattergate Store.   After talking to a couple of locals we discovered that the owner of the store died last year, and the the store has been turned back into a house!! All in all it took us nearly 6 hrs to complete this walk, and the going was extremely wet and muddy!

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