Bollihope Common picnic area - Carrs Top - Outberry Plain - Middleton Common - Harnisha Hill

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A tough fell walk around Bollihope Common and Middleton Common that includes a trip into the remote and rarely visited valley of the Great Eggleshope Beck. This is a walk across unmarked fell terrain through thick heather, cotton grass, peat hags, marshy areas and water channels. The walk is challenging, very tiring and is only likely to appeal to seasoned fell-walkers. The whole route is within Open Access Land and the ability to use a map and compass is essential.

The walk starts near the bridge at the picnic area on the B6278 road south of Stanhope. The first section of the walk is a long steady climb up to the stone cairn on Carrs Top. A fairly level walk then follows that passes the trig point on Bollihope Carrs top before rising over Green Hill and intersecting the long fenceline at Snowhope Hill. The route then continues initially on the flat through areas of peat hags and then rising to the highest point of the walk at Outberry Plain at a height over two thousand one hundred feet. A long descent down Middleton Common follows across a variety of tough terrain, including peat hags and uneven ground, before the route intersects a track that leads to a shooters' hut. The route then descends into the steep-sided valley of the Great Eggleshope Beck. A long pull up out of the valley is required before the route intersects the fenceline and Raven Seat trig point on the ridge of Harnisha Hill. The walk then descends the fell, again crossing rough ground to pass a large fenced sheepfold and intersect the B6278. The final lap is all downhill as the route follows the road back to the picnic area.

England - North England - Durham - North Pennines


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, River, Wildlife

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