Borrowdale and Castle Crag from Seatoller and Rosthwaite

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This walk exploits a split in a local long-distance path - the Allerdale Ramble. The Allerdale Ramble splits at the southern end of Derwent Water and rejoins at Seatoller and this walk follows the loop formed by this split, with an optional visit to (or start from) Rosthwaite.

The walk starts from the lovely Borrowdale village of Seatoller, from where it climbs 130m quite quickly and steeply, but don't worry, this is the only real climb of the whole walk. Once at the top of the initial climb, the walk follows the terrace on the western side of Borrowdale, giving excellent views to the south and the Borrowdale Fells.

After passing Castle Crag (there is an optional climb to the top of the crag), the walk descends slowly to meet the River Derwent. After a short but enchanting woodland stretch (look out for the caves and slate mines), there is a relaxing, flat riverside stretch and an optional diversion to Rosthwaite. Here you will find two excellent pubs / hotels, a thoroughly recommended tea shop (the Flock-in) and a village store.

Once refreshed, it's only a short way back to Seatoller and the car. Please note that there is a short rocky scramble in this section.

Dog-owners, please note that there are a few dog-unfriendly stiles en route and that livestock will be present on much of the walk.

England - North England - Cumbria - Lake District - North West


Cafe, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, National Trust, Pub, Public Transport, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Woodland
7/26/2016 - David and Chris Stewart

Did this walk but started from the car park at Rosthwaite. Delightful walk with stunning views from the terrace and lovely stretch along the Derwent. Parking in the village hall car park at Roshthwaite rather than the NT one saves several pounds and is all day. It's just beyond the entrance to the NT car park.

10/7/2009 - Sean Diver

I actually did this walk back to front and starting from Rosthwaite. Excellent walk with a variety of scenery and views,took me 4 hours, but that was due to taking in the sights.

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