Box Hill, Denbies Vineyard and Dorking

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The walk starts from the NT car park at Box Hill where there is a shop, refreshments kiosk and toilets. After taking in the view from the Box Hill viewpoint you follow the North Downs Way, descending into the valley and passing through Denbies Vineyard. It would not be much of a detour to call in for a glass of wine or maybe a meal (although muddy boots may not be too welcome!) The route then continues near to the town of Dorking and through farmland before the final ascent back to Box Hill. The general photograph is not taken from the path itself but from the North Downs Way above the vineyard. It shows the general area of the walk with Box Hill on the horizon and Denbies Vineyard in the foreground.

England - South England - Surrey - North Downs


Cafe, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, National Trust, Toilets
4/3/2022 - Stephen Harris

Walked 03.04.2022. Directions still spot on after all these years. A few things have changed so new pictures sent in to WW. This is a lovely walk, reasonably strenuous in places but so enjoyable. Directions easy to follow, no livestock encountered and great views. Particularly like Denbies Vineyard!. Thanks Norm 10/10

1/4/2006 - Stephen Harris

A nice walk with some interesting features. Great views of Denbies Vineyard and some varied walking conditions make for this fine walk. 8/10

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