Glenridding - Sheffield Pike - Hart Side - Glenridding

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Glenridding - Glenridding Dodd - Sheffield Pike - Hart Side - Aira Force - Glenridding

This long mountain walk starts off in the popular Lakeland village of Glenridding, but quickly heads away from the crowds of people tramping their way up to Helvellyn. The route begins with a steep ascent of The Rake to a col just behind the summit of Glenridding Dodd and with a short detour the summit is reached, with grand views in all directions. The next section is along a path towards Sheffield Pike; this is also steep and has some exposure, so take care (no proper scrambling required). A short detour just before Sheffield Pike will take you to Heron Pike and offers the most dramatic views on the whole walk with its plunging edge down towards Ullswater.

From Sheffield Pike the route gradually descends to a col to the west and then ascends again (quite steep) up to the flat and rounded summit of White Stones. This is a small subsidiary peak of Stybarrow Dodd and not a Wainwright. The path leading to the next Wainwright is easy to follow and involves a gentle ascent to Hart Side. This is the last major peak of the walk but there are many smaller summits that have yet to be visited as you make your way down to Aira Force. The path is intermittent in places but good map and compass skills will make it easy to navigate. The minor summits include Birkett Fell, Brown Hills and Common Fell, each offering a different view of the surrounding mountainscape.

Once down on the road it is just a short distance to Aira Force, which is a perfect place to relax. The return leg of the walk follows the road for a few kilometres until you reach the lakeside path which heads back into Glenridding.

England - North England - Cumbria - Lake District - North East


Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Mountains, National Trust, Pub, Toilets, Waterfall, Wildlife, Woodland

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24.9 Miles
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