Gunnerside - Swinner Gill - Gunnerside

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Quite probably the best little hill walk in Britain.; strong words yes! But after wandering far and wide over these northern hills for many years and having joyfully experienced their many beauties, I find myself returning time and again to the same old walk. I know all its contours, have tramped its many paths a thousand times, have savoured all its moods good and bad and yet I appear never to tire of it. Is this my favourite walk? It's hard to say, but for me it's a walk that exudes ambience, delivers Lakeland proportions and never fails to give pleasure.

There is no need to wait for that 'good day'; glowering storm clouds or frequent snow flurries will not extract any joy that a true lover of wild places will receive from this upland adventure.

Your only worry, if you have the misfortune to reside afar from this place, is the frequent yearning to return and explore more!

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales - Swaledale


Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, River
7/3/2017 - John Blemming

Did this walk on 2/7/2017 and it was really good - lots of variation to it, and great views throughout. Just a point on the distance - the 8.5 miles specified is just about correct up to point 17. However to get back from waypoint 17 to the start of the walk where you parked is a further road trek of approx 1.5 miles, so total walk distance is actually closer to 10 miles. There also appears to have been a bit of land slippage around waypoint 9 when you climb up out of the valley. Either that or we missed the start of the path out somehow - either way, it can still be done but it is a bit of a scramble and care should be taken.

3/10/2015 - Nick Glanvill

The Kings Head in Gunnerside has re-opened! Serving lunch from 12 noon and dinner from 5.30pm. Open all afternoon for beers, hot drinks and snacks.

1/11/2013 - Philip Scott

I walked this again today, without the snow and ice the path from Blind Gill was obvious. I stayed on the shooters track this time which stays high above Swinner Gill,the views from this are still good, but not as good as the lower path which runs from Swinner Gill itself. The conditions underfoot on the shooters track are easier though. This is a great walk, well worth making the effort.

12/12/2012 - Philip Scott

I walked this today it was bright sunny but freezing cold, with a large amount of frost and higher up snow. The walk is excellent the views are magnificent, navigation was mostly easy but I did lose the path near Blind Gill mainly as it was covered in ice and snow, resulting in me having to hike over rough moorland. It is a strenuous walk but worth it for the views, there have been a few landslips at various points I presume due to all the heavy rain we have had but all points are passable with care. Overall excellent.

4/22/2010 - Adrian Mabe

We did this walk on 12 April 2010. This is the first Walking World walk that we have walked. The contributor's enthusiasm sold it to us, and we weren't disappointed. We didn't use the waypoints or photos but didn't have much difficulty with navigation. We confirm that there has been a bit of a landslip at the West Arn Gill crossing. However, we ignored the footpath sign for the higher route further up and went through where the old path had been, as we had seen a man in the distance go the same way. it is passable with care. The only place where we went wrong was when we lost the path near the end of the walk and for the last 1/4 mile leading to the road at 17 we were on the shooter's track by mistake - we realise now that it is not a right of way at this point. A great day out in pleasant spring sunshine. Just a shame that neither the tea shop nor the pub in Gunnerside were open when we finished the walk at 4.40pm

6/8/2009 - Richard Howard

01/06/09-Robert Howard. An excellent walk. Just a couple of comments: The head of Swinner Gill where the rough path descends was (according to my GPS) at E9185 N0130 rather than E917 N 013. The path is not too obvious and the suggested waypoint takes one about 150 metres too far downhill on the shooters track! Also waypoint 12 was E9124 N0120 and 13 was E9123 N 0040 according to my GPS. The path has disappeared at E9135 N9992 (West Arn Gil crossing)and an alternative route higher up is sign posted as a footpath.

4/24/2008 - Kevin Hare

Did this walk while recently stopping in Gunnerside. Exhilirating climb up Swinner Gill but the path was sketchy. One of the most enjoyable of the walks that was undertaken with stunning scenery. Well worth the effort.

2/11/2008 - Kevin Stockley

Did this walk again on 10/2/08 in perfect weather and thoroughly enjoyed it. I still maintain that if you stick to the shooters track you can enjoy the stunning views while not tripping over rocks. Well recommended

8/29/2007 - Kevin Stockley

We enjoyed this walk enormously but suggest staying on the cart track above Swinner Gill for better conditions under foot. I believe the path from Swinner Gill has been overgrown by bracken and it would be far better to stick to the higher cart track and not risk getting lost.

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