Helvellyn from Thirlmere

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Starting from one of the free car parks along the eastern bank of Thirlmere on the A591, the route chosen to ascend to England's third highest peak is among the steepest. This makes it less of a drag than the routes from, say, Glenridding or Patterdale, but much more of a challenge.

Once at the top, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that the views in all directions are awesome, do I? Cloud base permitting, of course.

The route chosen for the descent involves a good stretch of trackless moorland, but is among the least steep (chosen specifically to save my knees, though still quite steep in places). Once back in the valley, a few kilometres of tranquil woodland will allow your knees to recover nicely. The trackless section of the walk is often above the cloud base, so it shouldn't be attempted by anyone unfamiliar with navigating in these conditions.

Dog-walkers, please note the presence of sheep on Helvellyn and also sudden drops.

England - North England - Cumbria - Lake District - North East


Birds, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Moor, Mountains, Public Transport, Toilets, Woodland

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