Lewes - Firle - Alfriston - Seaford

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This walk is remarkable for its extensive ridge walking linking three separate peaks. Each peak offers different views in every compass direction. Walking out from Lewes railway station through Cliffe old town it takes no time at all to access remote downland and the first peak for the day – Mount Caburn (150m) above picturesque Glyndebourne. The views over the estuary of the river Ouse are stunning. Drop down to Glynde (possible train back to Lewes) then onward to Firle village and an ascent of the South Downs escarpment to the highest of our three peaks, Firle Beacon (217m). The views north across the Sussex Weald and south to Newhaven and the English Channel coast are huge. Drop down again to Alfriston for lunch (possible escape by bus) then follow the Cuckmere river to Exceat bridge to start the walk in for our third peak of the day – Seaford Head (80m). There can be no more famous or more beautiful view of the Seven Sisters and Beachy Head than from these sea cliffs. Finally drop down onto Seaford promenade where it’s only a short stroll to the town centre railway station which has a half hourly train service (journey time 20 mins) back to Lewes.

England - South England - East Sussex - South Downs


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, National Trust, Pub, Public Transport, River, Sea, Toilets, Wildlife
7/25/2016 - Duncan Allen

Completed this walk in good weather on 24th July With Phil & Mary H-J. It is a real epic with great views of the South Downs and later the Seven Sisters. Agree with the other bloggers that this is just over 17 miles, and GPS measured total ascent at 775m, so we knew we'd been in a walk by the end of the day. It took us just under 7 hours in total, but that did include a very pleasant interlude in the Ram Inn in Firle!

3/2/2015 - Glyn Middleton

Completed this walk on Sunday 1 March 2015. This was my second time and it is just as stunning as the first. Please note, however, that as with one past comment, I measured it on my GPS and the distance is 17.3 miles, not 14.9 as indicated, but what's an extra 2.4 miles when you're having fun!!

2/10/2013 - Nicola Hart

The 3 mile walk along the river bank at point 12 is currently so waterlogged it is very hard to navigate

2/10/2013 - Nicola Hart

Great walk, however at point 8, after crossing the A27 taking the right turn for Firle Village - be careful with the 'take the left fork as the road bends', way before this the road bends and divides: left past 'Gibralta' houses (wrong!)leftish entrance to country house(wrong!) straight over but slightly right with a cul-de-sac sign(correct) it is after this that the bend/school appears. We ended up a mile down the wrong road after taking the first left fork/turn.

9/11/2012 - Stephanie Driver

Loved this walk. It's amazing how quickly you can leave behind the town of Lewes and be straight into glorious countryside. The coast walk towards the end is pretty epic. Directions were spot on.

8/29/2012 - Jon Elliott

Great exercise. My GPS measured it as 17.5 miles. Remember to keep left of the church at Alfreston to get to the bridge over river Cuckmere. Amazing Seven sisters views. Took me 6.5 hours. Definitely strenuous. Had a quick beer at the Shore pub, next to the station before getting on the train back to Lewes.

4/24/2011 - J Meiland

Stunning walk with a lovely variety of ridge walking and river walking. Did it in the glorious sunshine of Easter 2011, which certainly added to the magic. When walking from Alfriston to Exceat Bridge, it is important to keep to the path that hugs the river and not to veer off to the nearby South Downs Way. Oh, and note the White Horse on a hill to the right of the river a mile or so before Exceat Bridge.

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